Emily & Kin – Engagement photoshoot in Newcastle
Emily and Kin found me over the internet 3 months ago. We didn’t meet each other until the actual engagement photo shoot in Newcastle. However, it wasn’t an issue at all as we discussed everything through the email and telephone. Communication is key. Kin is a Marketing Consultant and Emily is an accountant working in London. When I heard that they are both working in the same company, I thought “isn’t it great!!!” How come I can’t work the same company with my lovely wife. 🙁 Emily and Kin met in the University while studying in Sydney Australia and have stayed there for 12 years. Emily and Kin are keen travellers; their love for travel have brought them to England to work 7 months ago. I could feel their happiness and how comfortable they were in the presence of each other. They have been together since 8 years ago and now, before they get married, they want a set of photographs that can capture their free spirit as a young, energetic couple very much in love. Emily and Kin, I hope you like these photos!
Were they standing on the leaves??

A BIG THANK YOU to Ken and his lovely wife Shirley. Their professionalism and caringness really have impressed us. When people choose thier photographer, they focus on the end products only. I have to say, if you choose Ken, you would not only get good end products but EXCELLENT experience. Emily and I have so much fun and we are still talking about the experience to all of our friends. Once again, thank you Ken and Shirley..you two really gave us a memorable experience in UK! Wait for our call for our Post Wedding photos…Emily is asking for that!
Hello Shirley & Ken, I LOVE the photos.. not just like them… They are really really good…. initially I think since we wear casual clothes the photo might not has a romantic feeling.. but you did it Ken… Thanks so much for your effort, passion & professionlism. Thanks Shirley for your caring & advice. They are very important since both of us don’t have much experience in taking photo. And it was a fun day & good experience as well. It is important that Kin enjoy it so he will agree to take another photo shoot later.. probably in Paris….haha Bye for now, take care! 🙂
Emily & Kin, thank you so much for the lovely compliments 😀
I really enjoyed last Sunday too. For me, it wasn’t a day of work, it was a day of strolling in Newcastle, meeting new people, enjoying the best of summer and best of all having a good laugh!
You guys are so co-operative and fun to be with, and are one of the loveliest couple I’ve met.
I wish you both a plentiful of happiness and blessings on your wedding day. As Ken mentioned, do not forget to take a photograph at the poolside at the top of Langham Hotel at the reception.
Hopefully we’ll see you in London soon.
Keep in touch.
Shirley x
Candy 18
nice pic, Siuleung
i like the natural environment
Dear Emily and Kin,
Thank you so much for your compliment. I am happy you both had a good time with us and love the photos , so do we. Let’s go to Venice / Florence for post wedding .. you will love it.
Shayne Dumbrell
Dear Kin and Emily
What wonderful photos, you guys look like you are having the time of your lives!
Steve Coronno
Dearest Kimily your hearts are full guys I love it and your well on the way to the journey of your lives.
LOVE Steve & Danni