May & Simon – Sunset in Santorini
I have been busy travelling and working on wedding assignments in UK and overseas. While I am travelling, I also have to work on my clients’ wedding photos. I am sorry that I am not able to update my blog as frequently as before. I can assure you that it will be better in August!
Some of you may have noticed that I rarely post my clients’ close-up photographs here. The reason for this is, I am sure you would agree that everyone of us would like to keep a little privacy of our own, and so in order to help my clients maintain that, whilst also being able to showcase my work here, hence, there are not many closed-up photographs here. If you would like to see samples of my work featuring some close-up shots, please write to us via the Contact Us page.
Talking of ‘privacy’, my dear friend recently shared with me a funny story: she went on a holiday to Amsterdam with her husband Mr. G recently and as all city hotels have small rooms, he’s asked that she leaves the room to go to the lobby while he does his ‘No. 2’. He is embarassed by ‘toilet noises’! I once read that as a husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, we should learn to make an effort to create a ‘good’ or even ‘perfect’ impression in our partner’s minds, so that we can always keep the relationship fresh, young and slightly mysterious. Maybe we can learn something from Mr. G here. 🙂 I’d love to hear your thoughts/comments on this.
OK, enough said. Here are some wedding photographs taken at Santorini for May & Simon. We were very lucky with the weather; beautiful light during the day and a magnificient sunset. I hope you like them.
I love their bridal suite and the lace details on May’s dress.
The sunset in Santorini is said to be one of the best sunsets in the world. What do you think?
I love the shadow details of this shot.
A big thanks to assistant Nadia for helping us during the day.

Stunning photos Ken! top photo and one with the sunset are my favourites. I haven’t had much time lately to view your blog but always enjoy viewing your work. Im always amazed by the quality & beauty of your photos. Your clients are very fortunate indeed to have someone work so hard for them!
Please give my regards to Shirley and Karl 🙂
Best wishes
Edward Lui
This is gorgeous, I need to get myself to Greece!
Lovely shot! I like the warm tones of the sunset falling on the bride and groom!