Hong Kong Wedding Highlights of the Day
This video summarises the morning of our wedding day on the 26th December 2007. The day began from the groom’s home in Fanling, proceeding to Gold Coast hotel, and then the Ferry terminal No.9 at Central. The Chinese wedding began in the morning with my groomsmen and I having to “pass” some tests/challenges set by the bridesmaids before I could get to Ling, one of the challenges being that I had to pick the correct ribbon attached to Ling’s arm while she stood behind a door! Luckily I got it right the third time! Once I passed the tests, we carried out the tea ceremony with Ling wearing her “kua” (traditional Chinese wedding dress). We served tea to the Ling’s parents as a sign of respect and gratuity, then we served tea to the my parents to symbolise the bride entering the groom’s family. This is followed by the civil ceremony held at Eden Registry, at Hong Kong Park.
We want to express our heartfelt thanks to our videographers: Terry and his crew (Alex and Teddy) from One Shot Production for creating such a memorable video for us that will remind us of our wedding day. Terry, you have a great sense of directorship, and you see beauty in all things. You have done a great job synchronising the video scenes with the music too! Alex, you are professional and fun to work with. We will cherish this video for the rest of our lives and still watch it EVERY night for at least twice! We love your work very much. Keep up the great work!
Hi Ken & Shirley
Happy New Year & Congratulations!! :0)
Your wedding video is fantastic and it really made me smile. I’ve never seen a wedding video quite like it. The still photo’s are great too…You all look so happy it was wonderful to see. Thank you for sharing your special day.
Wishing you both every happiness xxx
Hi ken!
How are you? Many congratulations on your wedding to both of you! I have seen your video and picture slideshow, they’re both very good and i nearly cried. you both look totally in love and really happy. I hope you are happy together for the rest of your lives! are u going on a honeymoon anywhere? congratulations again.
will u be coming back to the uk? are u still living in newcastle?
miss u!
love, su xx
Kam Lee
An Amazing wedding, wished I could of been there too. It was a joy to watch the wedding videos, it was very beautiful indeed. tell shirley my favourite part was the speech she made in the hk ceremony, that was just priceless. loved it so much i guess im going to watch it again for the thrid time. I sincerely wish the both of yous happiness and success in everything you do. Hope to hear from the two of yous when you get back.
Miss Chow
Dear Siu Leung and Ling,
I have watched your wedding videos again & again. I love them so much.
You two are very sweet and very very happy. Both from your heart . We can all feel that, the warm feeling, very touching.
Tell your videographer team that they have done a very good job. It is the most precious gift that they give to you two.
Congratulations to you ! You both can enjoy it for your whole life.
Lee Yee Cheng
Hi Mr n Mrs Lam Siu Leung
Absolutely besotted with the video shot in Hong Kong.
I would’ve totally regret not coming-once in a lifetime experience with an excellent memorable video to remember this day by.
Everybody who was there has helped in every single way possible to make your wedding day an extremely memorable day to remember.
Miss Ling
Dear Leung and Ling Ling,
It was a wonderful wedding dinner and Sunny was so happy on that day. As your teacher, I am very happy watching your sweet smile all throughout that day. It is not easy to have so many good things happening on that special day! Keep on making more happiness in your life!
Miss Ling
Andrew Thornton
Congratulations Ken & Shirley on your marriage…the videos were very touching and it was a shame I couldn’t of been there for both ceremonies. I’m sure the lads on the 24×7 team and yours at work will want to wish you both many years of happiness together.
Hope to see you soon,
Kind Regards,
congratulations, Ken & Shirley!! I just saw your posting on esdlife, which led me to drop by to your blog here. It’s a wonderful highlight of the day. Me & my husband just got married on Jan 3, 2008. It’s just 8 days after you. heehee~ We had appointed one shot as our video crew too. The videos they produced are really good!! ^-^ I sincerely wish you & Shirley all the best & have a warm & happy marriage life ever after!! =)
Kwok Wai
Amazing Video and Congratulations on such an amazing wedding reception. Sorry i couldn’t attend the wedding in Hong Kong, i should’ve come along. But hopefully see you soon in UK
Shirley Kong
Ken & Ling, you’re the most beautiful couple I’ve seen….Congratulations on your wedding….I’m thoroughly impressed by the videos and ur photos (and my housemate too).. Though I was not able to attend ur wedding, I could feel every single moment of the atmosphere which was beautifully captured in the videos….And thank you for the wonderful weekend….me and eric have thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with both of you…..and we hope there’s many many more to come….I sincerely wish both of you all the best and many many years of happiness together!!! See you on Tue for curry…
we are looking to make a short movie for our school annual dinner, schduled for April 10th.
is this something your firm would do – please give me a call on:
tally – 92350743
debbie – 90421951
Anil Solanki
Ling and Leung,
Lay Ho Ma? First and foremost let me congratulate both of you on hosting such a fun packed memorable wedding day. I felt very privileged to have been invited to Hong Kong to share a special day with you. It was my first time attending a Chinese wedding and I was excited to find out what I had let myself in for, and to my surprise any other wedding I had ever been to paled in comparisson.
Lawrence has done a fantasic job taking the pictures. Everytime I look at them brings back such wonderful memories.
Terry has done a tremendous job filming the important moments of the day, and Joanne, good call on recommending the music to go with the video highlights.
Ling – you must have slept with a hanger in your mouth the night before your wedding because you couldn’t stop smiling on the day
Both of you looked very much in love and are an example of a perfect couple.
Ken you did a great job organising the tram ride through HK city centre for your close friends and family. It was an enjoyable experiance and very thoughtful of you.
I wish you two all the best for the future and hope we can remain close friends for a very long time.
Love from Anil.
Shirley (Hui Chen), we loved your cooking so much! Thank you for the compliments! I can’t wait to see you in a white dress one day too.
Anil, your comments make an enjoyable read! I still remember the day we went sight-seeing together in Hong Kong. It was so much fun but we were so naive to get “con-ed” money!
To all who left their touching comments, I can’t say thank you enough. I’m speechless by the good wishes that you’ve showered Leung & I with. May you all be blessed with all the good things in life.
Hi Ken & Ling, congratulations!!!!! There’re the most touching wedding I’ve seen. I wish you two happiness ever after ^^
Warm Regards,
Joanne Ng
Ling, Leung,
It was simply awesome, to be able to witness the wedding of the year!! It has been an honour to be a part of your wedding! The wedding in Malacca and HongKong were both so sweet and umm… what’s the right word to use, cosy? Very personal and you’ve made sure everyone felt good during and after the wedding. I enjoyed going through the bits and pieces of your big day! Whether it is looking at you lovebirds, the stunningly beautiful bride and the handsome groom, exchanging of vows, photoshooting, eating, wrapping chocolates into the dress and tux (and untying and tying them again), talking to your family and friends, playing the gift for both of you (too many to write)… I’ll keep everything with me for as long as I live. It is indeed a wonderful experience for me, and I just love your videos and pictures. Thanks for the presents you’ve sent (that travelled from UK to HK to UK to Malaysia =P ), I love them! Get me those videos fast!!!
Love you both! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and joy! And I’m looking forward to Ling or Leung junior!!! =D
Joanne Ng
Ling, Leung,
It was simply awesome, to be able to witness the wedding of the year!! It has been an honour to be a part of your wedding! The wedding in Malacca and HongKong were both so sweet and umm… what’s the right word to use, cosy? Very personal and you’ve made sure everyone felt good during and after the wedding. I enjoyed going through the bits and pieces of your big day! Whether it is looking at you lovebirds, the stunningly beautiful bride and the handsome groom, exchanging of vows, photoshooting, eating, wrapping chocolates into the dress and tux (and untying and tying them again), talking to your family and friends, playing the gift for both of you (too many to write)… I’ll keep everything with me for as long as I live. It is indeed a wonderful experience for me, and I just love your videos and pictures. Thanks for the presents you’ve sent (that travelled from UK to HK to UK to Malaysia =P ), I love them! Get me those videos fast!!!
Love you both! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and joy! And I’m looking forward to Ling or Leung junior!!! =D
Shirley & Yat Man
This video played a crucial role in finding Ken as our wedding photographer. We were searching on the Internet for a photographer when we suddenly bumped into this very touching and beautiful video. Both Yat Man and I immediately fell in love with this video and we checked out the website that linked to it which was Ken Lam Photography. After seeing Ken’s wedding portfolio, we were so much impressed that we immediately wanted him as our wedding photographer. The rest is history…