Joyce & Edward – Pre-wedding in Paris
Joyce & Edward found me over the internet, and several e-mails later we found ourselves meeting each other in Paris!
A lot of couples have asked me what it is like to have a pre-wedding photoshoot with me? I like to offer my clients an experience to express their feelings on a pre-wedding photoshoot day, and to allow me to capture those emotions and delicate moments that often go unnoticed or pass us by in our busy everyday lives. ‘Photographs’ is the only way to capture these moments. This is my idea of the main purpose of a pre-wedding photoshoot; and not focus on the number of outfits, or the number of times you can change your look (make-up & hair). Of course, to have a few beautiful outfits and a stylish hair-style will make the photographs even more glamourous, and this is an extra bonus to the photoshoot. But like the old saying goes: “Less is more”.
I enjoyed this photoshoot very much; we took things at our own pace and stopped every few hours to have a break and some food to re-energise. Thank you Joyce & Edward for inviting me to Paris and it has been a pleasure to be able to capture your pre-wedding moments. I hope you like these photographs and have enjoyed your pre-wedding photoshoot experience with me.
When night falls, Joyce and Edward decided to take a break by the River Siene in Paris.
Joyce is calm & cool, all ready for the photoshoot. The mirror on the wall creates an amazing reflection.
The couple is so in love.
When you are in Paris, PDA (Public Display of Affection) is everywhere. Well, I don’t blame them. Who can resist having a bit of romance when a saxophonist is playing such beautiful tunes?
I love the drawings on this wall. Are Joyce & Edward ‘real’ or is this a life-size painting of themselves on the wall? 🙂
Having a laugh together. “Edward, you are stepping on my new shoes!”
True love.
I love this shot. All natural colours and lighting. We had a perfect day. The weather was very co-operative.
Love the flying veil.
A stolen kiss. Here, I tried to create a sexy shot. The old furnitures at the back of an alleyway created the mood for this photograph.

Edward & Joyce
Our Super Photographer Ken 🙂
Without any hesitation, of course, we did absolutely enjoy the whole process of our photoshooting. Not only starting from the day of meeting each other in Paris, but also the smooth and comfortable coummunication with you and Shirley at the beginning as well.
Every piece of your work is terrific. We are so deeply impressed by how much of your boundless energy you had put on your work, also your overwhelming passion towards the photography which was a really touching experience for us.
Another way of saying it, we might not be the part of your most satisfied photo, but, it is true that you had captured the most precious moment which is priceless for us.
Very brilliant photos, Ken.