Gladys & Kevin – Pre-wedding/Engagement photoshoot in Paris – The Rain Series
In the past I have received e-mails from clients before their pre-wedding photo-shoot:
“Ken, what if it rains?” “I do not want my pictures with rain in it”.
I always tell them:
Why are you afraid of the rain spoiling the image ? Have you ever thought maybe “rain” is something that nature has given to you just to add a little extra special touch to your pictures? Treat rain like an accessory; like the necklace on the bride’s neck, or the umbrella in her hands. Personally I love this image below that was shot under the drizzly condition during Glady and Kevin’s photoshoot in Paris. When it rains, the sky goes dark, mysterious, blue, purple, pink. It is a wonderful concoction of colours and mood. So to my dear clients who are worried about the rain, do not worry. Be happy, let yourself go and enjoy! 🙂