Protected: Wendy & Phi's wedding – Greenwich, London
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Protected: Sino & Gary – Wedding at The Royal Station Hotel, Newcastle
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Ken Lam Photography – Notice
Hello everyone, Sorry for bothering all the subscribers receiving this notice. I have been receiving email queries for the past few days. I would like to make you aware that when filling up the Contact form under the above Contact page . Please kindly ensure that the contact details are correct e.g. contact email address. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to get back to you regarding your queries. Miss Vivienne Loo, would you kindly contact me again? Many thanks, Ken
Thank you so much for the "Thank You" cards!
I am so surprised today. Thank you so much Rebekah and Padraic for your lovely message you wrote on the card. We didn’t expect that. It means a lot to us. Therefore, I decided to take some pictures of some of the past “Thank you cards” we received. I sometime say to my client I really enjoy photo shooting for them. Anyway, I just want to say I do treat every weddings as important as my own wedding. Your Thank you card play a big part in my job. It really means a lot to us. Thank you so much!!
Simply stunning. Simply Santorini.
26th December was our first year wedding annniversary. I have always wanted to take Ling, my adorable wife to a special place for our anniversary . I chose Santorini island. A small island in Greece. I have had Santorini on my mind for a long time. I have heard that it is not only a good place for photography (hehe) but also has one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world. The night before we departed, I asked Ling to pack her bags and said I was taking her to a special place. She didn’t know where we would be heading until we checked in at the Newcastle Airport. Surprise!!! Ling has been helping me a lot ever since I started my photography…